Your website hacked? Bring back online and keep the trust of your customers!

We have all learned how Websites catalyze business growth, how it helps you achieve remarkable rise in your business volume and your potential customer base. Your website acts as a door in between your business and million opportunities outside, it connects with prospects and customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Even when your office is closed, your website can still communicate with people. Customers and clients can get close with your business and your products through the website at their convenient time, it is a door opened to infinite opportunities regardless of time and region. These factors make a website the #1 business tool and internet, the #1 market. But as your website operates and open to public round the clock, it is exposed to various risks & threats round the clock as well, and the most maddening threat is ‘Hacking’!
Yes, ‘Hacking’ is the scariest word when it comes to people who operate business online. There comes the important question - what exactly is hacking. In simple terms, Hacking is the process of exploiting vulnerability of a website and thereby establishing backdoor access to the site. Hacker or intruder can then utilize the identified vulnerability and make partial or complete defacement of the website. Once the hacker is able to gain control of your website in the way he wanted, he can then start killing your website by defacing it, modifying original website files or by injecting malicious scripts for later exploitations for further destruction. A defaced website can never serve its original purpose, rather it will negatively effect on your business.

Imagine what happens if an online store’s web site got hacked one fine morning and people are seeing defaced home page with some vulgar images uploaded? Business will fall from 100 to Zero in matter of seconds, so does your credibility and Goodwill. Yes, you will have to act very fast, in fact very fast and start clearing the issues before search engines identify it and warns users coming to your site. You can't afford to relax as each second delayed will affect your business badly as serach engines will start blacklisting the site; your domain credibility and search engine ranking drops considerably, all the efforts you have taken over the years to promote the website will be in vein. You have to approach a professional agency as quickly as possible to take the website offline, remove all the traces of attack, clean malwares and all the malicious scripts injected, securing it and reupload the rejuvenated version.
Don't you warn to earn the domain trust and credibility back? Let Fort Networks fight with the hacker and get your website back in action!
Fort networks can help you recover a hacked website and safeguard it from being compromised again. We use a variety of tools and tactics including but not limited to:
- Detecting the injected code.
- Cleaning up the code and database from malicious insertions.
- Identifying server side vulnerabilities such as PHP, MySQL, Apache server configurations
- Finding security problems in shared hosting; and all other Linux/Windows hosting environments.
- Performing security audit and applying appropriate security patches and updating frameworks to the latest versions.
- Checking third party applications, add-ons, modules and extensions for possible security issues and updating it.
- Setting up permissions on core files and folders and securing it from unauthorized modifications.
- Protecting website installation with web-authorization via Web.config or .htaccess and implementing multi stage authentication for the website dashboard section.
- Configuring automated backups of the website, application and database and archiving it for a time bound restoration process.
- Setting up website monitoring service, so you can ensure the integrity and availability of website content and core files.
- Implementing regular Malware scanning & Blacklist checkup so that we can ensure site is free of viruses and search engines respecting your website.
- Moving your site to secure hosting and suggesting security best practices to make your website neat and safe and to load faster.
Website security is possibly today’s most overlooked aspect of securing the enterprise and should be a priority in any organization. Hackers are concentrating their efforts on web-based applications – shopping carts, forms, login pages, dynamic content, etc.